What’s the Big Idea?
Over the course of the next few years I am going to research, post and modify three travel bucket lists. This will detail a group of locational experiences that I would love to take part in around the world. One for Sydney and its surrounds, one for Australia and one for the whole world. To begin with I’m aiming at 313 things for Sydney, 1001 things for Australia and 2000+ things for the global list. I don’t claim to know all about the world or to have been and done all these things (hence, a “bucket list’) so I would love feedback from people who have travelled and would like to agree with me (or disagree and suggest a better option). I’ll keep all the lists on permanent pages accessed via the menus. On these introductory menu pages I’ve also included a few of my own personal favourites as starting points.
I also freely admit to ‘cheating’ a little bit in that I may list more than one thing to do at a location, but I will only count it as 1 location on my list. This lets me fit many more things in. My very arbitrary selection process is based upon a certain number of places to visit, and then the main reasons why. Sydney is a location pure and simple, so its list items are all things to do in and around this wonderful city. I also acknowledge that there will be some overlap between Global, Australia & Sydney, but there should only be a few of those.
On a geographical note, I’ve had to make some defining decisions here:
- the Middle East is found in the European section
- Central American countries and the Carribean islands are grouped in the South American section
- Arctic locations are placed in either Europe, Asia or North America depending upon where they are geographically linked
- islands in the various oceans are generally included in the closest continent’s section
- people will always have their ideas about things but if I try to please everyone then this blog will never get done (it will take years anyway)
Finally, the images I post will not (obviously) all be my own. As I visit places I will insert my own photos, but until then I will have to rely on the excellence of others. I will always try and give credit where I source an image from and, if I use one of your images and you’d prefer I don’t, please feel free to contact me if you want it removed.
Wish me luck on this adventure; it could take a while.
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